Happy Blogoversary!!
I just realized that today is my Blogoversary! Yay me!! I'd offer some sort of contest or giveaway, but I don't think many people read my blog these days, so it wouldn't really be worthwhile. :P
If you do read my blog, I'd love for you to leave a comment sometime- it's nice to see that people are actually reading this stuff. :) I'm sure I could just check my statcounter, but I change blog templates and then forget to reinstall the code. Besides, the statcounter just gives me a general location of the person who visits the blog - it doesn't actually tell me who visited.
So pretty please, leave me some comments on some of my posts so that I know I'm being visited. :) I'll definitely return the favor when I can remember to do so.
hooray for blog anniversaries! Or whatever you called it.. lol! I read your blog! so does Aunt Sherry!! and Mom and Dad! and the fam! so keep it up!
I read your blog and look at the cute pictures I just forget to comment. I will do better. I love you guys.
Happy blogoversary!
I love your blog! Love your photos. Love to hear your stories. Keep it up! :)
I always read your blog! Dad even reads it when he gets home at 2 a.m. Keep it up!!
Congrats on the blog-a-verrsary! It is always wonderful to know that people read what you write. It's wonderful to feel somewhat close to the kids even though we've never met Sparky. Hope to see you soon
You are stalked and loved!!!
I READ IT! It just takes me a while to find time to read blogs these days... some how I feel busy... weird!