Just sharing a few snapshots from our ward trunk-or-treat (Sarah did an awesome job planning and decorating the whole thing) and trick-or-treating on Halloween night.
I’m still getting accustomed to the not-so-cold-weather on Halloween. The night of the trunk-or-treat wasn’t bad, but Halloween night was humid and HOT! It definitely didn’t feel like autumn, which was kind of disappointing.
Sparky spent most of the night of the trunk-or-treat exerting her independence, and refused to look at the camera like usual. She had lots of fun begging cookies and brownies off her unsuspecting victims – just look at those big blue eyes!
We didn’t have time to decorate our trunk – I was asked to set up my studio equipment in the gym, and spent the “trunk decorating” time snapping pictures of cute kids (and parents) in their costumes. Some people went ALL OUT decorating their trunks.
One family dressed up as bakers, and their adorable little girl (same age as Sparky) was dressed up as a cupcake. It was so cute it was ridiculous! They decorated their car like a French bakery and won the costume contest AND the trunk decorating contest. Another couple dressed up like clowns and set up a cotton candy machine – pretty cool! And another couple dressed up like the old couple from the movie "Up" complete with tons and tons of helium balloons which they handed out to all the kiddos at the end of the night. It was adorable! Of course I didn’t get to take pictures of any of it because I was too busy chasing a barefoot toddler around the parking lot.
You can see our sad little undecorated trunk below. The Princess wasn’t too happy that night. It was a school night, and she was pretty tired. She was also mad at me for asking her to behave. I’m such a mean mom.

Halloween night. The girls and I went trick-or-treating with some friends while Sasquatch stayed home sick. We learned our lesson last year and decided to avoid trick-or-treating in our neighborhood (the houses are too far apart, and most people aren’t home on Halloween). We drove to a nearby neighborhood that actually had sidewalks (I’m still getting used to the fact that most subdivisions here don’t believe in sidewalks – not sure why).
Sparky totally didn’t get the concept of knocking on people’s doors and asking for candy. And since she refuses to hold anyone’s hand, she spent the night in the stroller. I think she enjoyed it, though. And I’m very much enjoying eating her candy. My waistline isn’t very appreciative.

I had to take a snapshot of my girls with their trick-or-treating buddies. Aren’t they adorable?

Anyway, it was a fun Halloween. I was grateful for friends since Sasquatch couldn’t go trick-or-treating with us. Halloween is right about the time I REALLY start missing family for the Holidays – makes me want to be with my dad singing “Happy Birthday.”