I've moved the blog over to a Wordpress format. I'm tired of how time-consuming Blogger and Live Writer make it for me to create a blog post. I'm loving how the new blog looks, and I REALLY hope you'll join me over there. I've made it easy to subscribe to the blog by posting a link in the menu bar as well as the sidebar on the left, so I hope you'll subscribe or bookmark me, or whatever you do to follow your fellow bloggers. :)

Here's the link to the new blog - I imported everything from this blog, just in case anyone wants to look up an old recipe or something. ;)

Hope to see you soon!


I know I'm really late sharing these, but I've been busy making headbands and editing other sessions, and my personal pictures have fallen behind on the priority list. These pictures are clear back from Easter.

Easter was really nice this year - Sasquatch's mom was here, and it was wonderful to be able to share a major holiday with family. The girls were a little bit spoiled - new dresses, new jammies, and a couple of new toys for each of them. The Princess received a book/CD called "The Composer is Dead." The story was written by Lemony Snickett, and the music is done by the San Francisco Symphony - I HIGHLY recommend it if your kids are into music - it's a great way to introduce kids to various musical instruments, and the writing is hilarious.

We were invited to dinner with several other families in the ward, and it was so much fun to spend time with friends on Easter. One of the things I miss most about being back home is the fun holiday get-togethers where the girls get to play with their cousins, so it was great to be able to spend time with a big group of people - it helped me feel a little less homesick. I'm so grateful that we were invited.

The munchkins all participated in an Easter egg hunt, which was lots of fun. The Princess was too busy hunting for eggs to let me take pictures of her, so I followed Sparky around instead. She refused to look at the camera, but it was fun to capture her first experience hunting for Easter eggs - she thoroughly enjoyed picking up the eggs and putting them in her bucket - she had to look in the bucket every time she dropped an egg inside it. Once she verified it was still there she would move on to the next egg.

DSC_1217 DSC_1223DSC_1224DSC_1227 DSC_1231She agreed to stop long enough to pose for a picture, but you can see she wasn’t thrilled about it. DSC_1242 I love soft, hazy sunset-ey pictures. DSC_1243textureDSC_1247 DSC_1253texture

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