LeeLou Swag Giveaway - Whippy Cake

Okay, I'm so not a headband person. But I LOVE the Glamour Bands that LeeLou Swag is giving away from Whippy Cake. I really really want one, so I'm linking y'all to yet another giveaway (but don't enter, because I want to win, lol).

Click here if you want to see the giveaway on LeeLou's blog.

Family Portraits

We had a friend take family portraits for us last weekend. My children did not cooperate. We did manage to get an image for our Christmas card, but I’m not going to share it yet, because then it won’t be a surprise when you receive your card in the mail. :)

Here are a few non-card images I can share.




And here are some favorites I took of The Princess that day while I was borrowing one of Larisa’s lenses to test the focus on my camera. I thought it was the lens, not the camera, but after spending money we don’t have on a new lens, I’m not 100% sure.


DSC_8029aab DSC_8038texture

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