Fun at the Park

The girls and I had so much fun on our trip to Colorado. It was wonderful spending time with my parents, and I miss them already.

There's so much I love about Colorado - the mountains, the beautiful (non humid) weather, the open space (don't get me wrong, the trees here are pretty, but they make me really claustrophobic)... And I loved having a car to use whenever I needed it.

My parents had to work a lot while we were there, and one day I took the girls to a park near Lake Loveland. It was in a nice, shady area (shade is great when your kids are unfortunate enough to inherit glow-in-the-dark skin), and had a great view of the lake (soooo pretty!!). Miss Sparky loved playing in the grass and being pushed in the swing, and The Princess loved the slides, the climbing wall, and the chance to run around outside for a couple of hours in the middle of the day (too hot and humid for us to do that here since we're still not 100% acclimated to the humidity).

I know I haven't blogged in a while, and I apologize. I've developed the bad habit of posting everything on Facebook, and I forget that some people don't visit my Facebook page to see pictures. So I'll try to be better about posting to both places.

Anyway, here are a few pics of our fun-filled trip to the park. They're looking really pixellated when I post them full-size, so I have to post them in the smaller size. Sorry, I'm not sure what's wrong with Photobucket (or Blogger). :( If you click on them, you can see them full-size.

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