More Princess-isms...

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. I've been having a rough time of it lately, and blogging just hasn't been a top priority. I'm trying to stay faithful and cheerful, though, and I'm going to attempt to blog more regularly.

I don't have any recent pictures - I apologize for that, as well. I've been working hard at re-establishing my portrait business, which means I've been doing lots of complimentary sessions to hopefully start generating good word of mouth. But I've been photographing so many sessions that it's been difficult to pick up my camera and photograph my own kiddos - and when I do take pictures, the last thing I want to do right now is spend any more time on the computer editing.

Okay, enough of the pity party. Onto the cuteness of The Princess. Regardless of how down I'm feeling, she always manages to say something sweet to brighten my day. I love my children and my husband so very much, and they mean more to me every day - I'm trying VERY hard to remember right now that no matter what else happens, I have a beautiful family who loves me, and that's really all that matters in the end.

We're still dealing with The Princess' very strong personality. She got in trouble the other day and before she went downstairs for her timeout, she said:

"I don't want to be a growing up. I changed my mind."

Of course, today she was asking me if she looked like a teenager. Apparently if she had looked like a teenager, she would have been allowed to get a bigger drink at Costco. She didn't believe me when I told her that they only have one drink size.

This is what she said the other day when she wanted to be allowed to take a bath:

"I noticed something in my mind. My mind typed and noticed that it might work that when I take a nice long warm bath it may cool down my hiccups."

She was playing with her friend outside a few weeks ago (she has a sand and water table out on the back deck) and the following conversation ensued:

The Princess: "I am making my own tower of doom."

Ginger: "What's doom?"

The Princess: "Doom like a tornado! Like I'm making."

When she was praying:

"Dear Heavenly Father, please send your angels so I can be protective and happy all my days."

To her daddy:

"Daddy, I know you're not a superhero, but you act like one for me."

I think this one means the most to me right now. She was confusing the words "imagineering" and "believing." I was having a pretty rough day. She came up to me and said,

"Have you started believing? You should start believing today."

I'm trying with all my heart to keep believing. I promise. :)

That's about it for now. I'll probably post something similar in a month or so when I've collected more sayings. As always, I miss everyone back home, and I love you all so very much.

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