I'm so not ready for this! I swear she just learned how to walk, and I was waiting impatiently for the day that she could speak in sentences (now I occasionally wish she would be quiet for just a few minutes).
I love my little Princess so very much! She frustrates me at time, but I wouldn't give up one minute of the time I've been privileged to spend with her.
She's definitely a little girl now, and no longer a baby, but I suppose that's the way it's supposed to be. She amazes me with her amazing ability to comprehend what's going on around her, her sympathetic and compassionate nature, and her crazy photographic memory. I can't wait (well, yes, I can) to see how much she grows and changes in the next 5 years.

These days, she loves to sing, dance, and do any form of arts and crafts. She's waiting impatiently for the day that mommy and daddy can afford to put her in a dance class (I just need to get some portrait clients *sigh*). She loves her baby sister with all her heart, and she helps me take care of her any way I'll let her.
She knows all the letters of the alphabet and can write them all down. She can read a few words by sight, and she can also write her name as well as "mom" and "dad."
She's still very much a daddy's girl, but she loves mommy, too. She LOVES to have "adventures" outside, and would spend all day outdoors if it were possible (too bad mommy hates the sun and Sparky is a red-head who's too young to wear sunscreen).
I asked her a few questions today so that I could write them down to look at later.
It makes me happy when: It's my birthday and I got $5 in my birthday card. It also makes me happy when me and mommy and daddy talk about silly things.
It makes me laugh when: Daddy tickles me (and it's the most infectious laugh in the whole world!).
My favorite toy is: My birthday toys.
My favorite movie is: My "Pound Puppies" movie and "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." I also still love "Finding Nemo."
When I grow up, I want to be: A pirate, a rock star, an artist, and a person that makes things (like stamps).
My favorite food is: Oranges.
My favorite colors are: Pink, purple, and green.
My favorite TV shows are: Batman, Spiderman, and Dora the Explorer
My favorite memory is: The time we went to the butterfly pavilion in Colorado.