Cupcakes... Er, muffins. Yeah, muffins, that's right...

I made these chocolate zucchini cupcakes last night. I'll call them muffins so that I can pretend they're healthy. Whatever you want to call them, they're really good!

Yet another first post...

Okay, I'm revamping the blog one more time. Even though this will be a photo blog, I want just a little bit more anonymity, so I've decided to change some names. :) The oldest munchkin will now be called Princess (per her request, and since she can speak and the little one can't, she got first dibs). The youngest munchkin will now be called Sparky - I think the meaning behind this name choice is pretty obvious.

Thus far in my new career as a WAHM (well, eventually, anyway - currently there isn't much "work" coming in but I'm working on some marketing strategies), I've been pretty disorganized. The Princess is used to full time day care, and she's rather bored except during our weekly playgroup. So part of the reasoning for the new blog is to force me to get organized and plan some activities in order to have something to blog about.

Additionally, I'm finding myself becoming somewhat domestic - I'm actually enjoying cooking and baking. Since I'm too far away from family to really share my culinary creations with anybody outside our home, I'm going to "share" some of them by posting pictures of them. Again, this is in the hopes that it will force me to plan interesting meals in order to have something to photograph for the blog.

Thanks for being patient with me and my ever-changing blog. I really hope this is the last time I change my mind. :)

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